Armies Army

Armies Army
15mm Sci Fi Metal Miniatures

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Penal squads.......

The notorious penal squads…..with little hope the penal squads men and women have to do all the dirty jobs with little hope of success. Those that waver have a explosive collar to remind them to carry out their orders without hesitation. Those that survive can pay off time they owe, not many do though…..

Looking for ideas on what else you would like to see. The bottom middle figure Is very similar to the bottom right so maybe a lmg or a anti tank mine?
To add the far right is a lady...very PC!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

BDB - Internal Security vehicle series

I bring to you from Comrade Burton 

 Канюк конструкторское бюро
(Buzzard Design Bureau-BDB)
BDB are proud to present the latest range of Internal Security vehicles to provide essential support to the glorious RUSK forces in securing urban and liberated territories. Sharing many common components with other BDB designs, they are designed for simple maintenance in the field, with robust engineering of components to guarantee a long service life.
Details of each vehicle are set out in the following pages.

Powered by an efficient fuel cell, with electric drive to all wheels, the Remizov provides an economical, armoured transport. It can be fitted with numerous options, depending on the specific role it is destined for. Turret options (interchangeable with the proven BTR-160), include a variety of both lethal and non-lethal weapon systems. For example a targeted sonic heat generator is highly effective at dispersing crowds under the spell of traitors. The roomy rear compartment can provide seating for seven personnel, in addition to the squad commander and driver seated at the front of the vehicle. Filling this area with a large capacity optional water tank, the Remizov can double as an armoured fire engine, or more usually for crowd control, with a turret mounted water cannon. Also available are command and control, communications, light maintenance and ambulance variants. Whatever you mission, the Remizov can be configured to meet your requirements.

Powered by an efficient fuel cell, with electric drive to all wheels, the Dukhovich provides an economical transport, capable of carrying eight passengers and their equipment, in addition to the driver. Built with lightweight composite bodywork and toughened glass, the Dukhovich protects its occupants against small arms rounds, thrown missiles and improvised firebombs. The air filtering pod on the roof is also proven against these threats, and can filter out all commonly used crowd control gases.

Dukhovich PV (Protected Version)
For deployments where the standard Dukhovich may not provide sufficient protection, an up armoured version is available. In addition to the substantial armoured window shields, the bodywork is enhanced by internal additional armour panels. These are installed in specially designed cavities in the standard version, allowing any such vehicle to be upgraded to the PV variant. Using the upgrade kit, two skilled technicians can convert a standard vehicle in a matter of hours.

Designed for deployment alongside the Dukhovich, the Kresik can fulfil a variety of roles. It has proven very successful for carrying equipment and supplies, incident clean-up, and as a prisoner transport. Utilising the same chassis and power system as the Dukhovich, along with the same level of protection, the Kresik is a versatile vehicle, as well as being extremely economical to operate.

Kresik PV (Protected Version)
Like the Dukhovich, the Kresik is also available in an up armoured version. In the case of the Kresik, the upgrade kit comprises of two sub-options. One only improves the protection of the cab area, the other, both the cab and rear container.

All of them together!

A fine local security force series for vehicles Ill be adding to the soon to be printed list! Thanks again Andrew!

comments welcome

Friday, 21 March 2014

BTR 290 - Pre Orders

Mike from BlackHat has informed me that all preorders have shipped! Let me know when you start to get them and send me your painted pictures when you have them. Also please let me know your thoughts as I aim to improve!

Many thanks


Friday, 7 March 2014

A grand paint job.....Rusk Militia/Line Troops

Ive had these available a while at blackhat miniatures , however I'm slowly going through and getting them painted. These were painted by shakespeare studios and they look fantastic!

I use these as my Front line Rusk forces with the 'full' helmeted troops as guardsman. They will be part of a Civil War campaign Im about to relaunch. Im just waiting on my Imperial Russian troops, which are due any day now!

These are the HQ, Support Weapons and Infantry packs



Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Pre order BTR 290 to be shipped

Thanks to all that took part. It far exceeded expectations and for that I am gratefull! It means I've funds to do more:)

The first items will be posted out first thing next week. They will be shipped with any other items you may of purchased . I had a slight delay in refining one of the masters, it was picked up by the casting service, so now they are perfect.  You will receive the usual notification from Blackhat once they are shipped.

Thanks again
