Armies Army

Armies Army
15mm Sci Fi Metal Miniatures

Wednesday 19 September 2012


Hi all

Just to let you know I am working on the next release with Black Hat and I have not gone MIA! We will hopefully have the new sets out by next week. The stumbling block so far has been the heavy weapons teams. We simply have so many options we are trying to work out whats best. We have 3 guns - a HMG, Grenade Launcher and a Gauss/Rail ATG and 3 different mounts. We are just making some metal copies to check out and then all 3 sets will be released. Support Weapons, HQ and Heavy weapons.

Following on, we will have the upgraded troopers with superior weapons and also the open helmeted versions for lower tech troops. These will probably have a gasmask troops and open helmet troops.

Also coming out will be the grav support carrier. Its simply a grav sled, with options to have med evac, MRLS type launched, heavy weapon or simply left as a grav sled for supplies

And thats not all.... Im working on other forces and I have a test sculpt to see what people think. Its the Royal Commonwealth Forces.

Let me know your  feedback





  1. I really like the look of this one Keith- nice weapon too! By the way, I've got some pictures of your minis repainted on my latest post, so if you want one for your gallery, and if it meets the standard, please feel free to nab it! Can't wait to have a go at the new batch! Best wishes.

  2. The new Royal Commonwealth Force trooper looks fantastic. Love the pose and the details, especially the helmet cam. The rifle looks great as well. Looking forward to this batch for sure!

  3. Love the sculpt! The helmet is too near-future for my liking though, I was excited about the rusks because they didn't look like your average squaddie. But hey, if you get your head sprues made it's all good anyway, eh? ;)

  4. Cheers all

    pics are great Gunrunner, Ill certainly nab them!

    Head sprues.......another on the list! Its getting to be to bigger list!

    Not forgetting, Im hoping two other packs out next week. So I can finbally get gunrunner and SpaceJacker there prizes! Let me know if you prefer HQ, Support weapons or heavy weapons!

    and probably your adresess again...its been that long sorry!


    1. I really don't mind, Keith- support weapons perhaps? I'll buy the other sets anyway!
