Armies Army

Armies Army
15mm Sci Fi Metal Miniatures

Friday, 30 August 2013

Enemy Unknown.....

Something 'unknown' for the Brits and Russians forces....something far more deadly and advanced!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Arrived in the post today and Ive done a little clean up on it

Thanks to Art and Bill!

Mighty fine work. If anyone fancies creating their own vehicles let me know and Ill put you in touch with the experts!

More to follow!



Friday, 9 August 2013

Say Hello to the MUTT

Here is the UK MUTT

Its the Modular Universal Tactical Transport

Its the tactical arm of the British APC forces. Each APC  is accompanied by an air drone and  a MUTT. The MUTT provides a unique offensive arm and the drone provides live recon information.  The APC provides guidance and support for the MUTT and the drone and can provide tactical artillery support.

The Mutt is about the size of a small car and can be used autonomously to the APC

Ill have some concept work of the APC up and ready soon :)



Thursday, 8 August 2013

The prints.......

With special thanks to Art and Bill Braune I have got some pics today of my BTR.   The printing was done by Bill at C-ideas and I could not of asked for greater support!

Stop by and have a look at the companies website. It might inspire you to have a go yourself!

C -Ideas The best 3d print company Ive found :)

wow wow wow....I have to say. Without the guys above, Id of not got this far and nor as good as a result!

Very happy with them!

Ill  be writing up a peice specifcally about the process just as soon as I stop doing a little merry jig! All rather sad really, however I am that happy with them:) Im like a little kid again

as opposed to the big one I normally am!

New Renders....very nice the are to!

First off, special thanks gos to  Nik Sir fjodin for really helping me and creating some nicer pics for you all!

Much appreciated ! Id suggest you go over to his website to look at some cool stuff hes done :)

Looking nice and mean!

And the printing has begun!

Let me know what turret designs you would  like to see in the future!

cheers Keith


Sunday, 4 August 2013

Some more Renders...without the fans :)

Here are some addional renders without the fan system

If anyone is good at rendering stl files or any 3d file...please get in touch. I really need to provide better render shots, however other then my basic free tools, Ive no idea how to!



Friday, 2 August 2013

RUSK (Neo Sov) Reinformcents.....Glasnost is definately over.....

Its been while coming....however this will be my first vehicle release....Horraahhh I say. It still needs to be printed , cleaned, molded and made ready, however this will be one of my first releases so I thought Id give a sneak peak!

Its the  BTR 290, professionally sculpted by CoolHands 3d models. A mighty fine job he did to! (I think :))

What on earth are those VTOL jets and fans I hear you say....well lets just say the BTR can also provide its own long distance lift capability! The lift capability is removed until a long distance drop is required and travels like conventional vehicles. The VTOL harrier type exhaust/jets power the lift fans with assistance from 6 thrusters.

 The BTR can carry 10 troops and packs heavy cannon and Gatling gun HMG for support.

Their has been several unconfirmed reports of variations....

Ill be adding some additional renders with a little more detail as I have them. Hope you like them.

Quick and Dirty Painting Tutorial

I thought this might be helpfull for some people. However to be honest most people who visit this site can paint far better then me anyhow! :)

Stage 1 Clean

Stage 1 Prime - I use Halfords Car Primer - Grey

Stage 2 Clean again. I find the primer shows up more I need to clean. Not that I often do!

Stage 3 - Airbrush of paint base coat    Vallejo Russian Uniform (odd one LMG  is German grey Air)

Stage 4 - Wash  I use devlan mud or army painter strong tone and dark tone for LMG guy

Stage 5 - Block Colours -  Vallejo  Khaki for webbing and boots, GW battlegrey for weapon and LMG guy. Skin I use Tallarn Flesh

Stage 6 - Wash webbing again - Same wash colors. Face with Ogren Flesh wash

Stage 7 - Highlight - I use Coat d'arms Khaki for khaki areas and any mid grey for weapons

Stage 8 - craft pva base and dip in model railway ballast gravel

stage 9 - craft pva and sprinkle static grass

stage 10 - Varnish

Sounds slow, however each stage is really quick and drying time is minimal

Hope that's of some use all


Painted Commando Forces

Same method, Commando Forces Pack.

I have varied the LMG guys paint scheme to see how a night scheme would work

I'm just working on a Tutorial for anyone interested in the speed painting technique.