Armies Army

Armies Army
15mm Sci Fi Metal Miniatures

Thursday 12 December 2013

1st Shock Army in Action

 Rusk Squads DeBus

Some pics of my battle this evening. A recon squad of the first army have come up against an 'unknown' Enemy....More to follow

As a note to the BTR's. In the essence of costs and efficiency I am holding back the BTR 290 until January. The reason being that I simply I am charged an hour rate for the use of the resin casting machine. To utilise the half hour I need to fill it with molds. Until I have the BTR 160's and the Chinese APC I cant fill the mold. This is delaying the stock buildup. However...the other parts are currently being printed as we speak. They should be in the post this week or next. Giving its Christmas is probably Jan and then I can clean, master and mold. I will then have enough molds to fully run the machine and I will not have to wait until its filled. So.....Ill be able to build up stock on everything very quickly!

I hope that makes sense.....

Apologies for the delays. The copies I have so far, have some tiny print marks (very hard to pick up) and Ill use them in demo's etc.




  1. Will this delay the release of any further PLA infantry packs?


  2. Also, wanted to add...looking forward to the other AAR you've got coming..!


  3. The pics look great, what you said makes since.
