Codename сокол
Objective – Secure Virus Specimen and
return to base
Rules Tomorrow’s War
3 Infantry Squads 3rd Shock
Army RUSK Guards (10 men squads, 2 RPG +
2 LMG)
1 BTR 290 APC
gen APC ,CRAM (counter artillery fire) Counter Measures, Advance Optics,
Advanced HMG
1 Command Team
1 FO Team
On call Medium Mortar Salvo
2 Infantry Squads 68th Regiment Light
Infantry (8 man teams 2 LSW,2 UGL,2 AT LAW + 1 medic)
AT Team support
1 Squad Royal Welch Fusiliers Heavy
rifles+1, Heavy LMG +2, Plasma Cannon AT3:AP3
Armor +2D
1 Command Team
1 FO Team
On call Light Mortar Salvo
Turn 1
The British Commonwealth forces had the
initiative for the first turn and proceeded on foot to move to the objective
Rusk forces landed and deployed.
Turn 2
BC forces Heavy infantry moved swiftly
towards objective, supported on flanks by infantry. Command Team entered
building overlooking objective.
Rusk squad mounted up into APC and moved
to engage
Rusk infantry and HQ moved in tactical
stances to cover.
Turn 3
BC Heavy infantry took cover behind
buildings and attempted to take sample . (This involved one figure rolling D6.
Needed a 6 to take sample. Each turn +1 to succeed.)
Other squads positioned
Rusk BTR290 deployed and fires at HQ.
Several hits. Amazingly all hits return to action with minor or no wounds.
Thanks to medic!
Turn 4
BC FO team fire salvo at BTR. The BTR
CRAM defend the APC and nearby troops successfully.
Rusk forces win reaction and open fire.
Several BC are felled in return for little damage.
Rusks advance (A great start! )
………BC forces pass several wounds checks
and return to action….(Next initiative and reaction is critical!)
Turn 5
BC win initiative….(bah!)
Several forces open Fire. Immediate rusk
casualties. One entire squad down to a man, thanks to Heavy Infantry and
Infantry combined fire. Causalities are not checked due to no nearby troops or
Turn 6
Rusks open fire, causing several
casualties, however all squads have at least one man standing.
Return fire causes several Rusk
casualties. BTR is hit and causing immobilisation of vehicle.
BC forces successfully complete sample gathering
Turn 7
BTR destroyed taking several hits
Rusk Infantry squads decimated.
Return fire causes some casualties, most
return to action
BC forces begin retreat. Heavy Infantry
remain as rear guard
Medical checks prove hopeful to the
Rusks. The HQ intervenes on downed squads
Turns 7 to 9
BC forces leave the field taking sample
Rusk Infantry forces direct fire against
BC heavy infantry. All are hit on varying turns, however all recover using the
internal medic resources the suits provide. Slowly however they start to loose
Turn 10
All BC forces have left the board and
the last remaining heavy infantry trooper is taken down. Rolling a 1 meaning he
is dead. Several Rusk infantry have also been removed, however the Rusk Forces
were firing with a full 10D per round of fire and the BC forces were in the
Several ranking comrades have been
‘removed’ ……
a failure. The sample was recovered
by the BC forces.
The 3rd
Shock Army Guards took 60% casualties and lost its BTR support.
British Commonwealth forces had minor
casualties of its infantry squads. Heavy Infantry wiped out to a man
BC medical support proved to be the
major difference plus the defensive and offensive power of the heavy infantry.
The Rusk infantry on mass proved a much
more reliable solution. A full 10D firepower helped put down the Heavy Infantry
troops. The problem was keeping them down, however bit by bit the Rusks
whittled away the Heavies. A tactic I should have used at the start. That and
the APC would have been nasty. As it was, the Rusk fire and manoeuvre worked well against like
for like troops, just not against heavies whom pulverised them! Different
tactics for fighting between quality D6, D8 and D10 troops is the answer!
My contestant Mike from BlackHat used
his forces well. Using the D10 troops as the vanguard and the infantry on
support. The APC was taken out quite cheaply sadly for me, despite state of the
art equipment! The BC AT weapon and the Fusion Gun on the Heavy Weapons packed
quite a punch, even against the front armour of the BTR 270.
All in all a good outing for my troops
:) More to follow in the next battle over Gliese 581 d